The CfNN Assessment, Outcome Measurement, and Implementation Core supports projects across all Focus Areas. It provides education, support, and guidance to investigators, research associates, students and staff for their research and any associated regulatory requirements. Mr. Magnanti oversees research related procedures in support of CfNN Investigators and Project Coordinators, and facilitates the continuity of care and access to care for CfNN’s complex study participants. The core provides assistance and guidance in developing protocol related documents (e.g. case report forms, manual of operations etc.), evaluates and helps prepare IRB submission documents, research study protocols, checks training compliance, develops and reviews data entry processes, advises on selection of reliable and valid assessment instruments and outcome measures, and assists in identifying personnel to analyze research outcomes. Core C resources include Neuropsychological Assessments, Clinical Trials/Multi-Site Study Management, Regulatory Assistance (device, intellectual property, technology transfer), Statistics, and access to the CfNN Research Assistant / Coordinator Pool.